Meet James! He is a 21-year-old dude who works as a tennis coach by day, and a barman by night. He loves to party, and says he loves his job as a barmen especially. He thinks it’s important to eat healthily, exercise or play some sport (which is why he plays tennis, football and works out in the gym). And of course, he fucks girls a lot. Apparently it’s a part of the healthy living style program!
Admittedly, James speaks as if he’s being forced to read out loud in high school, with all that stuttering and nervousness, but he’s got a bad boy smile on his face whenever he is about to do something hot, such as filming videos for Rate These Guys.
James is a polite guy, so you will hear him invite you to take a look around his home. Then he’ll get naked and begin showing us the real stuff!
I urge you to watch his videos, and rate him as you think he deserves. He’s out to win!
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Rate These Guys!
All these hot straight boys on RateTheseGuys are desperate to earn high ratings on their videos, and YOU have CONTROL over how much cash they make and what they do in the future. Create CHALLENGES for them, leave explicit comments and interact with your favourites.
Rate These Guys is a brand new porn site for lovers of cocky, hot straight guys. The principles and rules are simple:
The guys make videos.
You comment on their videos, as explicitly as possible.
You offer to give them a high rating.
The more they satisfy you, the higher the rating they get from you!
They shoot themselves on video.
They send the videos in.
They read your comments.
They try hard to please.
…And the guy who receives the highest rating…. WINS!