From time to time I just have to treat myself to something good, such as hot muscle studs. These two arrogant but beautiful straight bodybuilders are a fantastic match for my mood today.
The first one hails from Uruguay and goes by the name Macho Nacho. He is a passionate bodybuilder and I wouldn't really call him modest. This self-important straight motherfucker likes to show off, and has a definite macho attitude.
This time he wanted to make a special treat for his fans so he took us to the gym to show us his typical workout. The workout itself was sweaty, hot and muscle-driven showy male show for the devotees and we really like it that way. Our proud bodybuilder gives us his posing routine and then spanks his monkey to finish off the perfect day. Damn, gotta love them bodybuilders, all self-absorbed, and hot.
The second stud's name is Gianluigi Volti and he is a typical Sicilian muscle stud with a handsome face and long, stiff cock. Gianluigi is arrogant as well, and has that typical sicilian macho attitude. He is a perfectionist and likes his muscles to look perfect even when they're not being flexed.
Gianluigi is a lone wolf and likes to do everything on his own, hoping that the results will speak for themselves, which is usually the case. His main male gun is huge and stiff, and even if his muscles don't impress you, his cock surely will! His load was pretty copious too.
Macho Nacho
Gianluigi Volti
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