When you first see Barry, your first impression is that he's a very polite and professional dude. He couldn't hide a certain degree of nervousness that had been brewing inside of him, but as it turned out it wasn't a big problem anyway. He went through the model release terms and conditions, carefully read them and signed the papers.
He went to take a shower and then we focused on his neck injury and tried to cover it up a bit. Barry has a pretty bad and visible neck injury and he gets constantly asked about that. The makeup did the trick, though, and he even admitted that he was surprised at how well it worked. Being just a regular dude he said he had never even thought about putting any makeup, but he was very happy with how well it worked out.
Barry's cock wasn't intimidated by our studio at all, and as soon as Barry's clothes were gone it reacted and grew to its full size. Barry told us that the fact we could cover up his blemishes and scars with makeup made him much more confident. His worries went straight out the window and he became the confident horny guy that he actually is.
Barry's body is nicely toned and muscular, and he knows how to display it for the camera. He gave us a good view of his butt and cock. Then he sits on the couch and starts to stroke his cock more seriously. It seems that Barry likes to apply lube on his cockhead and play with it while it's moist. It's a special type of masturbation and I'm sure most of you tried it sometime, but here we have a dude who really enjoys this kind of stimulation.
Barry's cumshot was also pretty interesting, when he felt like it he turned on his back and stroked his dick until he shot several squirts of warm jizz all over himself.
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Chaosmen is a great porn site that features hot straight and bi men getting serviced or fucking their mates bareback for some cash. This site is exceptional and very unique because almost every single fucking is bareback and ends with a gorgeous internal cumshot or creampie.