It's time to enjoy the sight of some prime military beef! Sergeant Irons comes to our rescue, ready to show us his manly assets. He was deployed in Iraq and had seen his fair share of action there. But now that he is back, like most of his buddies he feels a little stuck and bored. At the battlefield, there's a rule "hurry up and wait", so after you've done something you need to sit and wait until the situation changes… it can get boring. But here outside the battlefields, the boredom factor can be even more pronounced, so he decided to give porn a try. But guess what marines do to kill this boredom? If you think they lift weights and pump iron, you're right.
So, make no mistake about Sergeant Irons, he's most certainly a man of action, and that big tent in his sports shorts is a smoking gun that proves the aforementioned! Sergeant Irons rubs his cock through the shorts, but what we all are really eagerly waiting for is the moment when he would finally remove the shorts and let us see the weapon itself. Sure enough, he does just that in the next few seconds. He strokes it slowly, and it gradually grows into its full sized version, which I must say looks very nice and tasty. After several more strokes you can notice several drops of precum that form on the tip of his cockhead.
Sergeant Irons gets on all fours and gives us a nice view of his tight straight military ass, which is probably still in mint condition! His cock is about to explode soon, but he carefully edges himself ever slightly closer to the point of no return. Now we can sense that he's about to cum. He utters several inarticulate groans and moans and starts spewing hot jizz from his cockhead. The jizz is ejected at high speed and flies all over his head. Wow, this cumshot is so much better than those Christmas and New Year's fireworks outside at the moment!
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All American Heroes is a very cool military site with all kinds of uniformed men (firefighters, military men, lifeguards etc.). It’s an unmatched and unavoidable destination for all lovers of hunky, hot uniformed guys who like to blow their loads and fool around with their buddies.