Bradley had already been on Spunkworthy and he obviously liked the fact that one can earn easy cash just for jacking off. A few days ago he sent this message: “Hey, man. Can we do that massage video this weekend?”
This nice beefy dude likes to experiment with his sexuality and push his horizons. Although he's married, Bradley admits his sex drive is always present and his dick gets easily excited! He says he already got a happy-ending massage once, which unfortunately didn't happen while he was on deployment with the other military guys, but when he came across some unknown dude who offered him some cash to give him a massage. Bradley admits he didn't even know what the term “happy-ending massage” meant until that guy switched gears into the fun part of the massage thing.
So, with a smirk on his face, Bradley happily let the male masseur take charge and do his thing. His cock seemed to be quite satisfied, too, judging by the explosive cumshot that followed in the end. He was obviously at a loss for words and barely managed to say, “That was so good… It blew the other one out of the water.”

Click here to watch and download their entire video in HD quality at SpunkWorthy!
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