It didn't take too long for Barry to decide that he would do another video for Spunkworthy. As soon as the director suggested a happy-ending massage, it was a deal! Barry belongs to that type of guys who are open-minded but also very thoughtful about other people. He has a girlfriend and before he made the decision to take this happy-ending massage offer, he had to consult with her first.
This wasn't the first massage job that he ever got, though. Some years ago he ended up in a massage parlor and one of the girls there took care of his tense muscles and hard cock. But, this time round, it was to be with another dude.
There's little doubt that the offered cash prize was a good motivational factor, but Barry also wanted to try something new and let another guy show his skills. It seems he was so eager to find out what the difference would be that his cock was already half-hard by the time he removed the towel around his waist.
The male masseur started with Barry's hairy ass, which had an immediate effect on his cock! He lifted up his hips to show his asshole a little better for the camera.
Then Barry turned around and lied on his back, his cock fully erect by now. And judging by his facial expressions he was totally enjoying the experience.
When he felt it was the right moment, the masseur increased the pace and brought Barry to the point of no return – his cum shooting all over his happy trail.
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