Carter Andrews is a hot straight guy who works as a personal trainer. Like every horny man, Carter loves to jerk off and, since he's so physically fit, it's not wonder that his cock-stroking technique is just about perfect. Considering how big and thick his cock is, it's no surprise that he had to come up with good hand-grasping techniques to work out that big dick as well! We had a lot of fun filming the jerkoff scene and interviewing this hot and cute stud before and after his jerkoff session. I guess the interviewer forgot to ask him this time, but when Carter comes next time they should definitely ask him about the length of that amazing dick.
Carter is 23 years old, and he comes from LA. He says he wasn't nervous and just wants to experience something new and have some fun. Carter says that he used to be skinny and very introverted and quiet while he was in high school, but as he kept working out and his body became much more muscular he became more open and it gave him much more confidence. He thinks his best feature is his upper body and legs. He tells us how his typical day looks like: he wakes up, works out, trains, chill and relax, reads, goes for a swim and hangs out with some friends. He has no favorite book. He was 19 when he lost his virginity, which he thinks makes him a late-bloomer. When he wants to bust a nut, he will usually choose some straight porn film with just guy and a girl, and the girl has to have a big ass. He's a big ass man!
After the jerkoff session, when he came, Carter couldn't stop smiling! Perhaps it's because it was the easiest money that he has ever earned. Or maybe because he's got some unexplored exhibitionist potential? Time will tell, but whatever the reason for his smiley face, we sure look forward to seeing much more of Carter soon.
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