We already saw Tom about half a year ago when he made his first appearance on TheGuySite (you can check it out here). Now Tom is back, and this time round we get to see him running naked in the woods, as it is the custom with the guys on this website!
Tom is around 30 years old, very muscular, handsome and masculine, and he has a beautiful big cock to match! It is so satisfying to watch his hard dick dangling in all directions while he's running naked through the woods!
All that running and walking in nature must have made him quite horny, so as soon as he gets indoors he gets right down to business and start stroking his hard dick. He also does some shadow boxing and calisthenics before the jerk off session proper.
Tom is truly a great man, so handsome, with fantastic physique and a very amiable and friendly personality. We hope to see more of him in the days and months to come.
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The Guy Site is a great destination for all lovers of amateur, “next-door” type of guys. These guys are not “pretty-perfect”, they look more like your next door neighbor, but just because of that they are more authentic and hence more realistic!
When you go and walk around your neighborhood you’re more likely to meet one of these hot “next-door” dudes than some perfect bodybuilder. That’s not to say that there are no bodybuilders on The Guy Site, but even they are amateur types. That’s why I really like The Guy Site. Certainly worth checking out.