Bradley had already been on Spunkworthy site before, and director Jason kind of expected to hear from him again. Several months had passed by since his solo shoot, and then finally a text message arrived one late night, which read: “Hey, man. Can we do that massage video this weekend?”
You don't have to ask Jason twice about these things, so of course he was glad to hear from Bradley again. Even during the interview, Bradley seemed to have gotten horny and Jason could see the bulge swelling inside his jeans. Bradley is a married man, but it seems that his woman is hardly a match for his raging sex drive which is always turned on!
Actually, Bradley had already received one happy ending massage. But in his case it wasn't by going to a parlor while being deployed on some overseas military mission, as it is often the case with a lot of the military guys. It actually happened when he was hit up by a guy who offered him some cash to rub him down.
Bradley confesses that he didn't even know what the term “happy ending” actually meant until him and that guy got to the fun stuff. And at that point Bradley's face lit up with a laugh.
This time around, Bradley was more informed and thus more prepared for what was coming his way. But despite that, he didn't get only a little more in the way of financial incentive, but after his explosive cumshot, Bradley was at a loss of words and it took him some time to formulate a coherent answer. “That was so good,” he said between gasping breaths. “It blew the other one out of the water.”
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Spunkworthy is a great porn site that features younger straight amateur dudes. Lots of truly straight military guys doing gay for pay only once or a few times! This site is usually the first and only place where you’ll see these bad boys, so don’t miss out!