This is the second installment in the series "Gay of Thrones" (which, of course, has been inspired by the series "Game of Thrones") from It features horny aspiring king Dato Foland and his sidekick Paul Walker.
Dato already looks like he's a king, sitting half naked in an exotic room and starts talking to his companion Paul. Dato says he would like to become a king and Paul reassures him that the time will come. Paul takes a sharp razor and starts shaving off Dato's rich masculine hairy chest. The two men are exchanging ideas about how to conquer the world, and naturally their cocks respond by getting hard. Dato is only a human after all and his desire to fuck with his companion is too strong to resist.
Paul sits at Dato's place and lets Dato suck on his huge stiff cock. Dato bends him over and shoves his big dick inside Paul's ass and fucks him for some time. The two guys love both to give and take, so Dato and Paul exchange roles and now Paul is fucking Dato's ass hard and deep.
Two extremely hot masculine guys in conjunction with great cinematography and exotic sets make this an extraordinary refreshing flip-flop fucking scene a real pleasure to watch.
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